Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I am very lucky to have a husband that is awesome at keeping secrets, plans romantic getaways and who I love to share a good adventure with. I can't believe a year has flown by already - it still feels like the wedding was yesterday.

You can check out all of the details and our wedding video here.

We started off our anniversary getting massages Friday evening, then came home to pack for an early morning road trip. Chris told me we were going to New York the night before and told me to pack something we could walk around in and something to wear to dinner. I love New York and Chris and I have only been together once before for Valentine's Day!

The drive there was gorgeous.

Once we got to the hotel Chris popped a bottle of champagne and we enjoyed mimosas and breakfast before hitting the streets. 

 Our first stop for the day was visiting the 9/11 memorial. Our hotel was literally right next to it and neither of us had been.

To say it took your breath away is an understatement. I feel so fortunate for the life we have been blessed with and cannot imagine losing someone I love to such a horrific tragedy. It was heartbreaking reading each of the names at the memorial - especially when you read "and her unborn child." My heart breaks for these families.

I loved reading about this pear tree. It is the only tree that survived the tragedy and they revived it from being only a stump in the New York park. Visiting in the fall only made it more gorgeous - being surrounded by all of the orange trees. 

Of course I had to stop and smell the roses ;-)

These flowers were calling my name as we were walking past a park. How gorgeous are these? A tiny patch of green in the concrete jungle. 

We decided to rent bikes and bike to the Hudson river. I love biking in the city! It was only 15 dollars to rent the bikes for a day, so we were sold. 

PS - I am that girl that will always have lipstick on her teeth. No matter how hard I try!

 We really lucked out with amazing weather. Last year we faced Hurricane Sandy the week of our wedding and were freezing taking photos outside. This year, the weather was gorgeous! Funny how things change in a year.

Also, these photos are proof that there is a God. How gorgeous. I am so thankful for this life and an amazing man to share it with.

We also found a turkey on our bike ride! 

After our bike rides we went back to the hotel, rested up for an hour then headed out to Stone Street to catch a drink before our dinner reservation. I love coming here and wanted to share it with Chris. 

For dinner Chris found a Mexican restaurant in Brooklyn. We walked and took the subway to Brooklyn and it was probably a good thing we walked so much - the food was awesome!

The next morning we took one last walk (New York is so picturesque in the fall) and enjoyed our coffee and breakfast on a bench. It was a bit chillier on Sunday, so it was the perfect day to head home (plus we beat all of the marathon traffic).

Rather than driving straight home, we drove to Kinder Farm in Severna Farm to meet up with Marisa from Misa*Me Photography (who took our awesome engagement photos) to have an anniversary mini shoot. She is an amazing photographer and her photos turn out so romantic - it's hard to choose a favorite! We definitely recommend them to all of our friends. Check out how gorgeous our friends Ashley and Doug look who also took advantage of the mini session for their engagement photos! Swoon :-)

Of course we couldn't forget to eat our wedding cake - which was surprisingly almost as good as the first time I tasted it. We had the Little Italy flavor from Baltimore Cakery as our cake topper and it is delicious!

I had such a fun and exciting weekend making new memories with Chris and celebrating another year in the books with my best friend. I can't wait to see what the next year holds for us!


  1. Happy Anniversary! You guys are a beautiful couple! I can only imagine how beautiful New York is during this time of year :)!

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  10. شركة تسليك مجاري بالجبيل تعتبر أولى الشركات المتخصصة في خدمات الصرف الصحي، حيث تقدم لكم افضل خدمات تسليك المجاري في المنطقة بأفضل الأجهزة والأدوات،

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