Friday, November 16, 2012

ChaChaCha Changes

It's Friday! More importantly the weekend starts tomorrow which means I get to start making updates to the outside of our house this weekend since it's dark by the time I get home on the week days.

We'll see how much I get done since it's Chris' birthday weekend so I have a few special things to prepare for and my mother in law and I are going to check out the sideboard (buffet) from World Market in the morning! [I updated photos in my last post explaining our dining room situation - check it out]

Spaghetti squash were on sale at the grocery store last weekend and I've been wanting to try a "faux" pasta dish with it since (gasp) we haven't eaten it before.

I found an easy way to cook it - plop it in your crockpot with 1/2 - 1 cup water on low for 4-5 hours. You cut it in half after cooking, scoop out the seeds with a spoon and run a fork through the "meat". It creates pasta like strands without the carbs!

In addition to our shutters and front door being painted, I want to make a few minor changes/touch ups to the sconces and garage door too! 

And see the brass gold finishes on the doors and house numbers? Yeah, those are going to be updated as well! I love how simple, small changes can make a big impact. 

And just for giggles, I am still in crazy love with our gallery wall in the hallway and have high hopes that one day it will be just as awesome as YHL's. But for now, it makes me happy seeing photos of our friends, engagement photos and a map of our favorite city - Boston. Now we just have to add in photos of the pups and wedding!

Any big changes going on at your house?

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